Voohees, New Jersey – It was a rainy day and the children were ready for some indoor fun. The theme of imagination continued on their favorite day, the day Stephanie comes to conduct the Young Masters Little Wisdom Discovery program . As always Stephanie Pelly began with the Young Masters Pledge. “I promise to use my gifts everyday, in every way, for I am a Young Master.” As they reviewed what they had learned during the last class, the children remembered that their Magic Eye was – inside their mind. Stephanie asked, “when can you use your imagination?” “On a rainy day like this,” one little boy answered, “or when I’m laying in bed, driving in a car, at school or with my brother, sister or friend – anytime.”
Today they played imagination games, beginning with The Magic Circle. One child at a time came up to the front of a classroom and began using their imagination to create something in the hula hoop. One girl pretended the hula hoop was a mirror and she held it up to look at herself and strated to brush her hair. Classmates took turns guessing what she was doing. Another child pretended The Magic Circle was a garden of beautiful flowers. One by one she picked a flower and brought it up to her nose to smell its fragrance. Another young boy imagined he was typing on a computer. Even Stephanie took a turn, making a big snowball and throwing it at one of the children. Lots of fun!
The second game they played was Magic Ball. Stephanie used her imagination as she pretended to pull a magic ball out of her pocket. She bounced it and tossed it in the air. Finally, she called someone’s name and threw to them. Using their imagination they caught the ball with both hands and passed it to a friend next to them. The imaginary ball moved around the circle being rolled, tossed and thrown across the room even like a pitcher does in a baseball game. Sometimes the ball grew really really big and sometime the magic ball became very small. The children got a chance to stretch their power of imagination.
The last group activity for the day was story time. Everyone worked together to create a story. Stephanie began by holding up a microphone. “Once upon a time,” she said. The next child held the mic and
continued, “There was a little boy.” The story unfolded with each child speaking into the microphone to add their new idea. It went something like this: “A little boy was watching tv… and then he saw something on the news… he got scared and then went into his bedroom… and began dreaming…he dreamed about a door that was opening… and then he heard someone calling his name…he woke up only… to later hear his alarm clock ringing… he was just dreaming.” The children cooperated by taking turns and their story was told. “We all have a story to tell,” said Stephanie.
The program ended today by singing Thank You For Being Here and then they quietly laid their heads down to listen to some soft, gentle music. This was one more opportunity to use their imaginations.
Stay tuned for our next Young Master LIttle Wisdom Discovery adventure. See you next time!
Visit Naudain Academy at www.naudainacademy.com/
Vorhees, New Jersey – The Young Masters Little Wisdom Discovery program begin with the Young Masters pledge as a group. “I promise to use my gifts everyday, in every way, for I am a Young Master.” Several children wanted to say the pledge by themselves or with a friend or two. They took turns. One of the youngest girls, said the pledge all by herself with no help. Stephanie heard a child say, “What’s today’s gift?” Each week Stephanie pulled a Secret Of The Heart out of her cermaic gift box. “Oh,” she said, you mean what’s today’s Secret of the Heart?….well…” Imaginary drum roll……as she reached in and pulled out the word LOVE.
Stephanie explained to the children that in this week’s book Young Masters: This Little Light, that Butaan, Phylos and EEtha share the gift of LOVE with their family, friends, teachers, pets and even the earth. Since today was the last day for a while, she wanted to honor each child in a special way. They read the book and then shared some of the music.
For the activity, one at a time, she asked each child to sit on a chair in front of their classmates. They were invited to, if they wanted, wear Stephanie’s special red heart-shaped glasses. The children took turns saying three things they loved about their friend. A few things the children said were “I love when she plays with me outside!,” or “I like the way he makes me laugh,” Children even gave compliments, like, “I like your hair or I love your shirt!” One little boy sat in the chair for his turn and said, “Can my friends say five things they like about me?” “I guess he loved hearing kind words,” Stephanie said, admitting she is truly entertained by the honesty of children.
Today each child was presented a special certificate for being a Young Master and completing the Little Wisdom Discovery Program. During the past six weeks, the regular teachers have told Ms Stephanie that the children were always very excited to learn about the Secrets of The Heart – Friendship, Imagination, Gratitude, Courage, Creativity and Love. It’s been a remarkable and memorable experience. One they will never forgot.
As the class ended each child put their hand on the hearts and said, “I AM A YOUNG MASTER!” Then they all shouted PEACE! “Yes, you are,” said Stephanie. They all closed their eyes and sang Thank You For Being Here one last time, with Ms. Stephanie. “Always remember to use your gifts,” said Ms Stephanie, “you each have special gifts to share with the world.”
Before she left, she noticed all the YOUNG MASTERS books and CDS are in the classroom library. One little boy commented, “I like to sit at my desk and listen to the books on the CD and look at the pictures of Butaan, Phylos and EEtha.
“It’s been a very rewarding time,” said Stephanie, presenting this program. “Now off to the next school and a new classroom of Young Masters.” Join us for Stephanie’s continuing Little Wisdom adventures.
Stephanie Pelly is co-creator of the Young Masters Little Wisdom Discovery Curriculum and conducts the program at Montessori Schools throughout New Jersey, New York and surrounding areas. Contact us to find out how Stephanie can conduct the program at your school.
Download your complimentary copy of the Young Masters Little Wisdom Curriculum today!
Moorsetown, New Jersey – The Young Masters Little Wisdom Discovery Program is in full swing at Montessori Children’s House as students jump into unit four in this six week program. Spontaneity is a beautiful thing! Class began with an unexpected, but perfect, twist today when the children were frightened because of a spider. They were reminded how they can be brave even when confronted by a spider as Miss Stephanie’s showed them how she could pick it up with a dust pan and bring it over to a door so it could be set free outside to roam where spiders have unlimited crawling space. Class was off and running!
The children were excited to meet a new character in this week’s book Heart Of A Lion. Her name is EEtha. In the fourth book of the Young Masters Little
Wisdom series EEtha joins Butaan and Phylos as they travel through the magic garden learning about the secrets of the heart. It was like meeting a new friend.
Together the children proudly state THE YOUNG MASTERS PLEDGE and discover today’s Secret Of The Heart ~ COURAGE. In Heart of A Lion, Phylos has a choice to be afraid or to face his fears with courThey discuss why Phylos is afraid and how his friends help him face his fears. They children notice how Buttaan and EEtha help Phylos face his fears by encouraging him and helping him believe in himself. They talk about how they can help their friends, brothers or sisters face their fears. The children are asked how Phylos would have reacted if his friends had put him down or made fun of him and how afraid he felt. “Would Phylos would have found his courage if they had done that?” asked Miss Stephanie. The children agreed that friends can help you face your fears and it’s important to encourage each other.
The children were then presented with their POWER BADGES. Each child wore a special message: I BELIEVE IN MYSELF. I AM BRAVE. I AM HEART SMART. I HAVE COURAGE. I HAVE FAITH. I CAN DO IT. They talked about times when they needed to be brave, like when they were at the doctors office and needed to get a shot or at night if they were feeling afraid of the dark. They then discussed how important is it to believe in yourself when when you learn something new like how to tie your shoe, play a musical instrument or maybe when you’re trying something for the first time like standing up to speak in front of the class. Instead of saying “I can’t do this,” or “this is too hard,” there’s something you can do. You can see the light bulbs begin to go off as they realize they can even encourage themselves by remembering to think or say positive messages like I CAN DO IT. They can practice, work hard or ask for help if they need it. A little self-talk goes a long way.
A breakthrough moment in today’s class happened when one little girl who is often too shy to participate stood up and walked to the front of the classroom to receive her special POWER BADGE. The badge said I HAVE COURAGE. “I Have Courage,” she said. “Way to be,” said Miss Stephanie. “She gently faced a big fear” said Miss Stephanie, and took a giant step forward with that small act today. When the Power Badge was placed across her heart she gave a big smile and even had her picture snapped. A snapshot of courage in a world that can sometimes be a scary place.
The children took home a small gift today. A smooth rock that they will decorate with the affirmation that’s on their POWER BADGE. A touchstone to remind them “I believe in myself.” Courage rocks! That’s the lesson from today’s Young Masters Little Wisdom Discovery program. Stay tuned for next weeks lesson, unit five – The Invisible Power – everything begins with a single idea!
View the video of this weeks program. Young Masters: Heart Of A Lion
The Young Masters Little Wisdom Curriculum for Montessori is currently available for free to all you wonderful teachers by clicking here.