Voorhees, New Jersey – Leddy Naudain, owner and administrator of the Naudain Academy, now in it’s 35th school year, has always been one step ahead of how to change children’s lives. Her daughter Lauren follows in her footsteps as a co-administator who thinks outside the box.  So it was no surprise that the Naudain Academy, where peace education has been a mainstay for students for many years, decided to introduce  the YOUNG MASTERS LITTLE WISDOM DISCOVERY PROGRAM to it’s  extended Day (Kindergarten) students.  What is a Young Master?  Read on and find out about this incredible program that teaches core values and life skills to children 4-8.


Stephanie Pelly who teaches this self-discovery program in the New Jersey area, conducted the first of thirteen classes this week, by asking the children what they thought a Young Master was.   “Someone who shares, a person who is peaceful, someone who does karate or ballet,  a person who is loving and someone who helps others,” were some of the answers.  One little girl asked, “Are you going to teach us how to care for ourselves and others?”  “All great answers”, Stephanie commented and then went on to explain.”We’re all born with special gifts that we can share with others, “said Stephanie,  “these gifts are not necessarily presents that you give to people that you buy from a store, but rather gifts that you can share from your heart –  they’re the secrets of the heart.  A Young Master is you!,” she said, “learning how to use those gifts.”  The children were fascinated.


During the 13 week program, that spreads across the 2011-2012 school year, they will discover six different Secrets of the Heart. There is one book, chocked full with music and story for each secret.  Stephanie  asked the students if they would like to discover the first Secret of the Heart.  With great enthusiasm they all screamed YES and from her little red treasure bag, she pulled out our first secret – FRIENDSHIP!  The children were very excited.


Before they read the story, she shared the Young Masters Pledge with them and they repeated after her , “I promise to use my gifts every day, in every way, for I am a Young Master!”  This group of 24 students were fast learners and proudly said the pledge a second time holding up their peace fingers as they spun around smiling and standing proud.


Stephanie then introduced the first book in the series YOUNG MASTERS – The Friendship Seed.  She explained how Bunny Hull, the author used her imagination to create characters like Buttan, EEtha and Phlyos for the stories.  The children listened carefully to the words of the story and learned that a smile is like a “friendship seed” they can share with anyone, anytime. They talked about how friendship grows when you share a smile or kind words with a friend.  One child said, “You can plant a Friendship Seed when you ask a friend to play with you.” “So right,” said Stephanie.


Naudain Academy – The Young Masters Little Wisdom Discovery Program

They talked about how they’re all connected.  They took turns saying “I am a good friend because… ” and they each shared their own unique answer.  Some children stood up and said, “because I respect others, because I am helpful, because I share.” They giggled as they talked about caring for their friends, making others laugh and being kind.  Concepts of friendship were taking root.


Stephanie pointed out to the children that on the work mat she had a stone statue called the circle of friends.  They listened to words of the music on the books CD as  together they made a a circle of friendship and each child took a turn standing up in a circle and sharing their wonderful affirmations about friendship.  They took turns connecting fingers together with the person next to them and they held hands.  The children were asked to think about what it meant to be a good friend and to notice the differences in each other. “Do all friends look alike and act the same?” asked Stephanie. “Friends look different, they have beautiful different color skin, they may like different things, a different sport, or different game, but they’re still great friends.”


They created a friendship chain together where each child took two pieces of colored paper cut in strips and wrote their name and what makes them a good friend.  They connected their chain of answers, words like helpful, kind, share and play together.  Their understanding was growing. At the end they talked about how the friendship chain has many different colors. The colors can represent the differences in friends like, the different likes we may have or different talents. It was clear the children liked this idea.  Their friendship chain will hang on their holiday tree for the next month.  They were encouraged to create a friendship chain at home with their families.

A deep exploration of friendship for children, designed to teach them that they are each Young Masters with many gifts to share…the secrets of the heart.  This is no doubt a highlight for the children at Naudain Academy.   They closed with the Young Masters Pledge.

Next workshop the children receive their YOUNG MASTERS JOURNALS to chart the course of their discovery.    Stay tuned.

Visit Naudain Academy and find out how their making a difference in children’s lives.


What is a Young Master?  Someone born with gifts.  A Young Master is YOU.  This is what each and every child in the extension program at Naudain Academy is learning.  They are indeed Young Masters.  This week they continued to explore friendship as they reviewed  the Secret of The Heart they are focusing on for the first month.  They began as always.

“Let’s stand and say the Young Masters Pledge,” said Stephanie Pelly, the program’s director.  Proudly they stood with peace sign over their hearts and said  the pledge with and without the CD.   “I promise to use my gifts every day, in every way, for I am a Young Master.  The children already remember the pledge and state it with great enthusiasm.” said Stephanie. “With each meeting they understand a little more, what it means.”

They reviewed the book they read at their first meeting.  Many children recalled not only the title of the book  The Friendship Seed, but  were also able to share the author’s name, Bunny Hull and the illustrator Kye Fleming.  They discussed the names of the characters in the story and she then asked them if they could remember, “what was the Friendship Seed that was shared in the story…who can tell me?” she asked.  Together the children cheered – a smile.

They talked about how plants and flowers grow transition from a tiny seed and  how a friendship can grow from one single smile.  They talked about how it’s important to take care of our friendships, to nurture them and they explored how to do that.  Together the class created a “friendship flower.” On each petal they wrote an idea that could help their friendships grow in school.  They could “be kind”, one child said,  “and say kind words.” Another child said, “I could help a friend or cheer a them up if they were sad.”  They  talked about how they could “include others,” or “share with a friend.”  “What about unkind words,” asked Stephanie. ” Those are like weeds that don’t help friendships grow,” they all agreed. “We don’t want those in our garden!”

Stephanie then invited one child at a time to come to the front of the classroom and hold a “friendship flower”, this was a beautiful red rose that she had brought to class.  Each child said something they liked about their friend, until everyone had a turn.  This activity made each child feel that what they had to say was indeed important and valued. They were showing kindness to their friend.

The children were given an activity sheet to take away so they could complete their own friendship flower at home and discuss it with their families. The Young Masters Journals were introduced for the  first time.   The children were excited about receiving their new books which will allow them to track their journey of discovery as they learn how to use the Secrets of the Heart.

Before the program ended they listened to new songs from the Friendship Seed CD and sang THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE in English and Swahili, which they learned was the language of Kenya.  Finally they listened to Hey Young Masters and played air guitar as began to learn the words. “The music is one more important way the children begin to grasp the very important concepts they’re learning,” said Stephanie.

It was good day at Naudain today as the children moved one step closer to learning what powerful little beings they are and how their creativity as Young Masters can create a world of friendship, for them and for the world they live in.  They’re learning they make a difference.  Stay tuned for the next adventure as the children of Naudain Academy continue their quest to the Secrets of the Heart.

A recent quote by the Dalai Lama read, “My hope and wish is that one day, formal education will pay attention to what I call education of the heart. Just as we take for granted the need to acquire proficiency in the basic academic subjects, I am hopeful that a time will come when we can take it for granted that children will learn, as part of the curriculum, the indispensability of inner values: love, compassion, justice, and forgiveness.”

The time is here.  The time is now.

How do we learn to love and to be kind?  How do we learn the wisdom of gratitude and the awesome power that lies within our imagination and creativity?   We teach our children through modeling this behavior.  We teach them by using all means and methods available to us.  Dream A World and Dream A World Education, Inc. has created programs, books, music and curriculum that encourage children to remember the gifts they were given at birth – the secrets of the heart.  There are tools that exist to create a path for children to find out who they are and how they make a difference in the world.  These tools are being used in public schools, Montessori Schools, by home schoolers and by Spiritual Centers and Churches around the world.  The education of the heart is happening now.

Join our quest to teach all children –  the art of living.  One by one we change the world!


Voorhees, New Jersey – Naudain Academy, a Montessori school, continued their quest this week to make sure their children have a well-rounded education by once again embarking on their journey to the Secrets of the Heart via the Young Masters Little Wisdom Discovery program which began in November.   The first day back at school from holiday vacation was right on target.  A brief conversation with three teachers on their lunch break about the holiday gifts children received revealed how so many gifts have to do with technology and that they usually require batteries or electricity and call for little use of imagination.  “How ironic,” Stephanie replied,  “that’s today’s lesson.  It’s all about imagination.  Something for which you don’t need batteries or electricity.”  They agreed that technology is important, but that nurturing a children’s creative play and imagination and encouraging children to understand  how powerful their imaginations are, is essential.  “Imagination is more important than knowledge,” said Albert Einstein.

After a very warm welcome from the children, they asked, “are we going to begin with the Young Masters pledge?”  “Of course,” Stephanie said, as  they all stood up and proudly shared the words.  “I promise to use my gifts everyday, in every way, for I am a Young Master. Peace!”  As the word peace resounds louder and louder each week, Stephanie realizes that their understanding of the gifts they are learning about is beginning to set in.

“Today there is another gift to discover, a new Secret of the Heart. Today we’ll  be reading a new book by Bunny Hull called The Magic Eye,” said Stephanie.  “Before I share the story,” she asked,  “does anyone know what a Magic Eye is?”  One child said, “my dreams,” another  said, “it’s when you see love!”  One little girl said, “it’s what you see at night when your eyes are closed.”  Revelations out of the mouths of babes.  “Brilliant ideas,” Stephanie said, as she pulled out the next Secret of The Heart.  “Your Magic Eye boys and girls is your imagination.  Artists use their Imagination when they create.  A story writer and song writer use their imagination when they think about the characters for their stories and words for their songs.  “Do you use your imagination?” Stephanie asked, ” do you use it on the playground or while you’re driving in the car with their parents?  How about when you’re deciding what to wear in the morning.”  “Yes!, the children said.”Can you use your imagination when we you’re laying in bed or feeling bored?  Does your imagination cost anything to use?”  “No,” they said, it’s free.  “What a powerful gift we have,” Stephanie said,  “and it doesn’t even cost anything to use.”

“Today Butaan and Phylos, the characters in the book, are going to teach us different ways they use their imagination,” said Stephanie,  and I think instead of me reading the book today we’re going to listen to Saphinne.  She’s the storyteller who reads the story on the CD.”  The children loved the story and were amazed how Phylos could use his imagination when he was afraid of the dark.  The children learned from the story that their imagination  is in their mind.   It’s the pictures you see and create in your mind.  It’s your Magic Eye.

After listening to the story and looking at the pictures, Stephanie put on some quiet music, turned off the lights and told the children that they were going to practice using their imagination, just as if they were laying in bed… in the dark.  The children closed their eyes and put their heads down.  After a few minutes Stephanie started to count backwards 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.  Then she asked the children to sit up and share what they saw with their Magic Eye.  “I was at the beach,” said one.  ” I was playing in the snow,” said another. ” I was laying in my bed under the covers and I was flying.”   “I imagined I was picking flowers”.  “How beautiful,” said Stephanie. “What wonderful imaginations you have!”

Stephanie asked the children if they could draw a picture about what they saw with their Magic Eye or write a story or create a song using their imagination.  They all agreed they could.   An activity for their journals to carry them through the week.

Stephanie told the children that each and every one of us is born with a Magic Eye and that they can use it at any time, anywhere for their whole life. “How about that!”

Next from the Young Masters Little Wisdom Discovery program the children learn about The Hidden Treasure.  What will be the next Secret of the Heart?  Stay tuned!

Visit Naudain Academy  at www.naudainacademy.com/

Voohees, New Jersey –  It was a rainy day and the children were ready for some indoor fun.  The theme of imagination continued on their favorite day, the day Stephanie comes to conduct the Young Masters Little Wisdom Discovery program .  As always Stephanie Pelly began with the Young Masters Pledge.  “I promise to use my gifts everyday, in every way, for I am a Young Master.”  As they reviewed what they had learned during the last class, the children remembered that their Magic Eye was –  inside their mind.  Stephanie asked, “when can you use your imagination?” “On a rainy day like this,” one little boy answered, “or when I’m laying in bed, driving in a car, at school or with my brother, sister or friend – anytime.” 

Today they played imagination games, beginning with The Magic Circle. One child at a time came up to the front of a classroom and began using their imagination to create something in the hula hoop.  One girl pretended the hula hoop was a mirror and she held it up to look at herself and strated to brush her hair.  Classmates took turns guessing what she was doing.  Another child pretended The Magic Circle was a garden of beautiful flowers.  One by one she picked a flower and brought it up to her nose to smell its fragrance.  Another young boy imagined he was typing on a computer. Even Stephanie took a turn, making a big snowball and throwing it at one of the children.  Lots of fun!

The second game they played was Magic Ball.  Stephanie used her imagination as she pretended to pull a magic ball out of her pocket.  She bounced it and tossed it in the air.  Finally, she called someone’s name and threw to them.  Using their imagination they caught the ball with both hands and passed it to a friend next to them.  The imaginary ball moved around the circle being rolled, tossed and thrown across the room even like a pitcher does in a baseball game.  Sometimes the ball grew really really big and sometime the magic ball became very small.  The children got a chance to stretch their power of imagination.

The last group activity for the day was story time.  Everyone worked together to create a story.  Stephanie began by holding up a microphone.  “Once upon a time,” she said.  The next child held the mic and continued, “There was a little boy.”  The story unfolded with each child speaking into the microphone to add their new idea.  It went something like this:  “A little boy was watching tv… and then he saw something on the news… he got scared and then went into his bedroom… and began dreaming…he dreamed about a door that was opening… and then he heard someone calling his name…he woke up only… to later hear his alarm clock ringing… he was just dreaming.”  The children cooperated by taking turns and their story was told.  “We all have a story to tell,” said Stephanie.

The program ended today by singing Thank You For Being Here and then they quietly laid their heads down to listen to some soft, gentle music.  This was one more opportunity to use their imaginations.

Stay tuned for our next Young Master LIttle Wisdom Discovery adventure.  See you next time!

Visit Naudain Academy  at www.naudainacademy.com/





Seattle, Washington – At the Center for Spiritual Living in Seattle we serve a large and fluctuating population of children on Sundays during our 2 services in 6 different classes. We have adapted the curriculum through 5th grade, with the older kids helping to tell the stories to younger children. The ideas and principles presented also are used to inspire our middle school and teen curriculum along the same lines. We have been able to use each of the Secret of the Heart units for an entire month, sharing the story each week in different ways, utilizing the various menus of arts and crafts projects, worksheets and activities to support the week’s particular focus and added a few activities of our own. We’ve tied the unit into our annual theme and the monthly themes. For example, our 2012 Theme is “Heaven on Earth”. We began January’s monthly theme with “Appreciate the Good”, using “The Hidden Treasure” with its Secret of the Heart as Gratitude as our central

content and principle.  We use a consistent format for our order of activities, very similar to your listing, but shortened to handle each week’s actual time available for lessons.  I provide a monthly summary with an adult contemplation to help teachers prepare both in consciousness and spiritual practice as well as referencing the page numbers and activities to be covered.  Sometimes, we find and additional story related to the theme that we add on a 3rd or 4th Sunday.  February’s theme is “Be Courageous in Faith” utilizing “Heart of a Lion” and Courage as the Secret of the Heart.

I have found the Young Master’s Little Wisdom Series Books, CDs and curriculum inspiring, not only for the children but for the adults using it.  It has deepened everyone’s practice and understanding of principle in fun ways. It has encouraged our children to put their learning into practice in their daily lives and to share these ideas with friends and family.  Everyone especially loves the music!  As the Manager for Youth & Family Ministries at Center For Spiritual Living, Seattle and as a musician, educational consultant and curriculum writer, I find this series an excellent addition to our enriching programs.  I would highly recommend these books and CDs to parents and for spiritual centers like ours to use the curriculum in their programs, adapting them as needed to their particular population , resources and time guidelines.  For us, the six units provided six months of curriculum basics.

Deanna Freeman, RScP is Manager of Youth & Family Ministries, Center for Spiritual Living – Seattle.  Here she talks about how this center has incorporated the Young Masters Little Wisdom Curriculum to enhance the spiritual growth of the over 100 children per week they serve.

Visit Center For Spiritual Living Seattle by clicking here and find out how Rev. Kathianne Lewis, Senior Minister and Spiritual Leader of CSL Seattle, Deanna Freeman and their incredible team work together to make a difference in the world.

In celebration of Earth Day, master teacher Stephanie Pelly facilitated the Young Masters Discovery Program at Naudain Academy as they focused on this weeks “secret” CREATIVITY by working together on a group art project that now hangs in their classroom and the school hallways.  The project all began as children discovered creativity by reading “Young Masters: The Invisible Power.”  Everything begins with an idea.  …one simple idea – from the light bulb to an airplane. Earthday…aperfect place to begin for a group creativity project. As Stephanie lead the children in creating an Earthday mural, the children took turns drawing pictures of the earth and then switching positions with their classmates to continue drawing in a new area.  The goal of this activity was to teach the children that they could create an art project as a group! “Once an idea is introduced it can take a group of people to help make it successful,” said Stephanie. “You each have something important to add,” she said as they selected a different color crayon to add their special touch!  Songs from the Young Masters CD provided a beautiful, musical backdrop as children added birds, people, flowers and trees in all different colors.

After they completed the group project, Stephanie talked about the creative writing and arts project in their Young Masters’ journals.  The children were asked to create and draw their very own cartoon character.  “Create your very own character,” said Stephanie, “like the illustrator Kye Fleming created Phylos, Butaan and EEtha in the Young Master books or like the characters you see on television or in other story books.”

Once the children designed the image of their character they were asked to create a story about their character.  You could see their wheels turning as Naudain Academy students searched their minds for creative ideas and inspiration.  Children were also asked to name their character.  Some children said, they would come up with a name first and then draw the character…ah the beauty of the creative process.  There are a million ways to create and no set path to a creative end.  Stephanie couldn’t wait to see their creative ideas.

Before the class was over, a couple children asked if they could share their creative art projects from their “at-home” work the week before.  Stephanie was fascinated by their imagination and creativity.  Some children used the same materials, one of those was tin foil, but each created a unique idea.  One girl made an ocean scene with tin foil and candy while another boy used a paper towel roll and tin foil to make a jousting sword.

All in all, a perfect way to honor earth day, by recycling materials and using creativity to make something!  And after all – look at Mother Earth – is she not the epitome of creativity?

They closed with the Young Master’s pledge.  A reminder that each Young Master has gifts share with the world and makes a promise to use those gifts.

Next the Young Masters of Naudain Academy have one more book to read before the school year comes to an end – Young Masters, This Little Light!  How perfect to conclude with love.  The love that is their’s to take into the summer and shine their light into the world as the Young Masters they are.   Every child is born to change the world in a way that only they can.

See you next time.


If you’d like to find out how you can use the the Young Masters Discovery Program.  Click here and download your “free” curriculum.

Voorhees, New Jersey – The children of Naudain Academy have been enjoying the Young Masters Little Wisdom Discovery Program every other week since November. Their mission has been to learn and practice the Secrets of The Heart based on the Young Masters Little Wisdom books. This past week they learned about the final secret in the first series – love.

The program began with the class saying the Young Masters Pledge together. “I promise to use my gifts everyday, in everyway, for I am a Young Master. PEACE!” “By now the children have learned they do indeed have gifts to share with the world, ” said Ms. Stephanie, “and that’s why they’re Young Masters.”

After the pledge, the children listened to Ms. Stephanie, the program facilitator as she read Young Masters:  This Little Light.  “In this storybook, the children learn the many ways love is shared with people, animals and the earth.”  The story was followed by an activity to demonstrate the power of love.  The activity is called A DROP OF LOVE. In a glass bowl filled with water, Ms. Stephanie  placed a small earth globe.  One at a time, each child took a turn and using an eye dropper filled with colored water placed a drop of love around the globe.  As they shared something they love about themselves, others or the world around them they all saw how the love they had to give helped color the world with love.   “One drop of love makes a difference in the world,” said Ms. Stephanie.  Each child had a turn as ideas like “I love my family and friends, I love my teachers, I love my dog, I love flowers and I love music,” were expressed.

After completing the activity the children created “heartprints”, this was an art project to share with someone they love.  As  they listened to music from the Young Masters:  This Little Light CD, each child decorated four “heartprints” and added their own very special thumbprint to make the shape of a heart.  As they placed their thumbprints on the hearts Ms. Stephanie told them “there is no one in the whole world that has a thumbprint like you and there’s no one in the world exactly like you.  You are unique! And the way you give your love is unique.”   On the reverse side of the “heartprint” children wrote messages like “I love you” or “I love playing with you.” Some children wrote words like “kindness” and “share.”  The children were asked to share their love by giving a “heartprint” away to a classmate, family member, teacher or neighbor. “Sharing love is making someone else feel special,” said Ms. Stephanie, “that’s how you shine your light. That’s what Butaan, Phylos and EEtha talk about in the book.”  “I love hearing the children sing along with the CD while they’re creating,” said Ms. Stephanie. “Music adds so much to a learning experience…music makes learning joyful.”

As their time together came all too quickly to an end, the students repeated the Young Masters pledge one last time and were encouraged to try making heartprints out of clay at home to share with friends or family members.

“Young Masters…learning to make the world a better place.  I love my work,” said Ms. Stephanie. Stay tuned for the next adventure in learning with the Young Masters Little Wisdom Discovery program.

If you’re interested in finding out more about how you can use this program in your school.

Stephanie Pelly is a peace educator and co-creator of the Young Masters Little Wisdom Discovery Program for children and teaches this program and others in and around New Jersey.

Click here to make a difference in the lives of children 4-8 in your world.

Curriculum is still available for free.

Naudain Academy is a Montessori school in Voorhees, New Jersey.

Vorhees, New Jersey – The Young Masters Discovery Program at Naudain Academy concluded last week. The extended day children proudly wore the headdresses they created as they received their certificates and shared what they had learned with their friends – the Secrets Of The Heart

During the final celebration each Young Master held the microphone and had a turn reciting the Young Masters Pledge.  Confidently each stepped forward to say what they now seemed to believe about themselves and…they appeared to know what that meant.  “I promise to use my gifts everyday, in everyway for I am a Young Master.”

Children were quick to answer what their favorite Secret of the Heart was and why and Stephanie gently probed them with questions to find out what stories and lessons resonated most with them.  Some children loved using their “creativity” and “imagination” during the program, some children said “friendship” and “love” were their favorites.  A number of children talked about “courage” being their favorite “secret”, because they learned to face their fears and a handful of students liked “gratitude” best!  Stephanie reminded them that all of the “secrets” are important to practice.

Wearing their colorful Young Master headdresses, each student received their certificate of completion.  Something they could hang on their wall at home to remind them what they had accomplished, and they would now bring home the Young Master Journals that they had spent class time creating and adding to during the year.

“Tell us something you learned during the Discovery Program?” asked Miss Stephanie.  One young boy raised his hand.  “I learned I have gifts to share,” said one Young Master. “Yes!” said Miss Stephanie.  “I am so proud of all the students of Naudain. It takes real courage for a child to stand up in front of their class and recite the Young Masters pledge all by themselves or to express their feelings about the program. I’ve witnessed a lot of growth with the children and I know they felt equally proud of themselves when they held their Young Masters certificates up for one last class photo.”

“I believe each child felt a little bit like Butaan, Phlyos or EEtha as they wore their Young Masters headdresses.  They really connected twith the characters in the books, loved the messages in the stories and wore wide smiles each time they sang the songs on the CD’s. I believe that First grade will be a little easier for these students.  They understand some very important concepts that will serve them well in the days and years ahead.

Many of the children were sad the program was over.  “Miss Stephanie, will you be at my new school?” asked one little girl. “You can take me with you in your heart,” said Stephanie.“You’re a Young Master!”

Stephanie Pelly conducts the Young Masters Little Wisdom Program at Montessori schools and centers in New Jersey.  If you’d like to schedule the program at your school, contact Stephanie Pelly at [email protected].

Naudain Academy is a Montessori School

To all of the beautiful teachers and friends who participated in our workshop – Bunny Hull and Stephanie Pelly would like to thank you for choosing to be with them! They are here to help you do what you do best – teach our children how to become better human beings!

Stephanie Pelly – Peace Educator

We believe that music is profoundly important as a tool you can use to help children grasp whatever it is you are teaching them. If you were a participant in the “Building Classroom Community and Character Through Music” workshop at AMS in Orlando, Florida, we think you also believe this is true.

As promised, below you will find resources that were presented in the workshop.

Building Classroom Community and Character Through Music – Resources Handout

Building Classroom Community – Notes for participants
For those who are interested, here are presenter notes which contain an outline of what was presented at the workshop. In addition the presentation was recorded and is available through AMS.

Books and Music – click here to see all the books and music we offer
A number of songs and chants which were performed during the workshop are also available on our books and CD. The Notes For Particpants above lists where you may find particular songs. All song lyrics for songs contained on CDs are available by download on the page of each product.

Affirmation Courage Crossing


Affirmation Activity from

Young Masters: Heart of A Lion
From Young Masters Little Wisdom Curriciulum
Thia curriculum is a free download and was created to support the Young Masters Little Wisdom Books and Music for use in circle time activities.