Dr. Pamela Beasley, Mother, Child Psychiatrist and Homeschooler talks about the value of Dream A World’s books and music

I am trained in child psychiatry, and can say that most of the children and teenagers with whom I work do not feel good about themselves. I’m reading a book by Wayne Dyer, and just read this passage:

“A child’s self-image is the most important factor in his or her happiness and fulfillment. Children who believe that the world is a good and miraculous place, and that they are special and loved, have a tremendous advantage over children who are doubting and negative. The garden of being a no-limit person blooms from the early seeds that you plant in a child’s mind about who he is and what he can become. When you send highly charged positive signals to children they begin to have an expectation of happiness and success, they become eager to meet new people rather than being judgmental of or intimidated by others, they enjoy challenges, and are open, loving and generous toward others.”

Bunny Hull’s books and CDs are a wonderful and fun way to teach children core values and life skills. My children have learned about friendship, peace, and the “special powers” of love, wisdom, courage, and creativity that lie within them and everyone. The “Dream A World” homeschool curriculum provides activities, projects and worksheets that make teaching these concepts easy and lots of fun for everyone. Bunny’s books are beautifully written in language that children can easily understand. Her music is incredibly uplifting and something the whole family can enjoy. Bunny’s books, music and curriculum are a “must have” for anyone who is homeschooling their children. These materials are also wonderful for parents who wish to supplement their child’s traditional school curriculum that may not include “life skills” training.

I see the work you are doing with schoolchildren. I know that you are truly changing their lives in an incredible way. It would be great if schools around the country could adopt what you are doing as part of their curriculum. Too little attention is paid to the emotional/spiritual needs of young children.

Thank you for giving me such a perfect way to plant the seeds of love, kindness, and belief in self in the minds of my young children. I know they will benefit tremendously.  Your books and music have brought so much joy to my family!

Pamela Beasley, M.D.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania

Dream A Worlds Curriculum for homeschoolers is available for free by clicking here.

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