One of the most important things we can teach children, and something we could all do well to remember for
ourselves as adults, is that we’re all born with gifts. Gifts we’re meant to share with the world.
In the Young Masters Little Wisdom Curriculum, we begin by teaching children that their gifts are called the Secrets Of The Heart. They are
friendship and a smile, imagination, gratitude, courage, creativity and love. There are so many more and yet these beginning concepts can introduce children to discover the talents that lie within them. The talents for which they will eventually develop passion and ultimately a career. It’s their entree to discovering their true purpose in life. The gift that only they can give. One they are meant to share with the world.
We’re pleased this month to offer you a copy of the Young Masters Pledge which you can frame or post in your classrooms or send home with your children.
Thank you for the difference you make in the world. The world needs you! The Young Masters Pledge